Show case of “SEATBELTS uniforms!”

入手方法/How to get one
The Uniform may be sold(rent out*) at Captain Duckling’s stall before the live performances that the captain is involved in. Currently, only a few dozen units remain in stock. At this time, there are no plans for sale. *see T&M
制服 と「ぱちもの」の違いについて/SEATBELTS uniform and the knock-off version
SEATBELTS制服(Tank! Tシャツ)とは/About SEATBELTS uniform (Tank! T-shirt)
- 制服は、ひよこ隊長プロデュースのSEATBELTSライブなどに参加するときや、気合を入れて”TANK!”を聴きたいときなどに着用するための「制服」です。
- 左袖にSEATBELTSサポーター会員番号と思われる固有番号のタグが入っています。
- 希望者はレジストリに登録されて公開されます。
- 固有番号は2071までなので、世界に2071着未満しか存在しません。そのうち約170はメンバー・準メンバー用、残りの約1900のうち半分近くは以前貢献があったファンが持っています(隊長は恩を忘れません)。
- 番号に限りがあるので出来ればお一人様1枚までの購入(貸与)をお願いしています(制服はこちらの条件により貸与されるものです)。
- The uniform is designed to be worn when participating in SEATBELTS live events produced by Captain Duckling or when you really want to get in the mood and listen to “TANK!” It is a “uniform” for special occasions.
- A unique number tag, believed to be the SEATBELTS supporter membership number, is sewn onto the left sleeve.
- Those who wish to be published will be listed on the registry.
- Since the unique numbers only go up to 2071, there are fewer than 2071 uniforms in existence. Of these, about 170 are reserved for members and associate members. Nearly half of the remaining 1900 are held by fans who have previously contributed (Captain Duckling never forgets a favor).
- Due to the limited number of tags, we kindly request that each person apply only one uniform. Uniforms are provided under the Terms and Conditions for the uniform.
「ぱちものTank! Tシャツ」とは/About the knock-off version
- ぱちものは制服とは別物で、「悪徳ひよこ商事」がプロデュースしているらしく、ユニフォームと同じ工場で生産されていると思われます。
- タグが固有番号ではなく、そのロットごとに共通の文字が入っているらしいです。
- 複数枚購入いただけますし、制服よりもリーズナブルなので普段使いにお使いいただくとよいかと思います。
- 2025年頭までに確認されているタグは以下です。
-“ad-lib” - On the other hand, the knock-off version is supposedly produced by the “Shady Duckling Trading Company” and is rumored to be made in the same factory as the official uniforms.
- However, instead of a unique number, the tag has a common code for each production lot.
- You may purchase multiple T-shirts, and since they are more affordable than the official uniform, we recommend them for casual use.
- The tags confirmed up to the beginning of 2025 are as follows.
-“ぱちもの” (means “knock-off”)
-“我訳有〼”(means “I’m with reason”)
Size and Spec
- Mサイズ:着丈66×身幅48センチ <やわらかい生地>
M size: length 66 cm/26 in x width 48cm/19 in <Soft fabric>
- Lサイズ:着丈73×身幅54センチ
L size: length 73 cm/28.7 in x width 54 cm/21.3 in
- XLサイズ:着丈77×身幅56センチ
XL size: length 77 cm/30.3 in x width 56 cm/22 in - Eric Miyashiroサイズ(3XL) :着丈83×身幅63センチ
Eric Miyashiro size (3XL): length 83 cm/32.7 in x width 63cm/24.8 in
- 西村 浩二 サイズ(アメリカン3XL):着丈85×身幅68.5センチ<アメリカン仕様>
Nishimura Koji size (American 3XL): length 85 cm/33.5 in x width 68.5 cm/27 in <American specifications>
*This is Japanese size. If you are not living in Asia, you might be better to check the exact size or order one size up.
*Since this is a uniform of the SEATBELTS, we have produced a t-shirt that is just as cool as the SEATBELTS music. This t-shirt is produced by Captain Ducling and desigined, printed, tagged, folded and packed in Japan.
Close up

It is very difficult to find information on you all here in the states. I really hope you make more music one day. Your instrumentation is SO much fun, your energy comes through like no one else. And obviously Yoko is a fantastic composer.
I wish I could learn more about the individual members. Songs like “Ask DNA” and “Gotta knock a little harder” have brought beat to my step or a tear to my eye for decades! They are masterful! I grew up comparing the singing in “Gotta Knock…” to “Great Gig In the Sky” songs by Parliament… but I have no idea who sang or performed on these beautiful songs!
You are all loved and celebrated here in the USA, I hope I have the chance to see you one day. or at least learn more about you all, hear more of your music.
But most of all, I just hope this message finds you. All of you. You are loved.
COWBOY BEBOPも永久に不滅です‼︎
あっ Σ(Д゚;/)/ サイズ 書き忘れた
Lサイズ 希望です m(_ _)m
TANK! は 最高の 名?迷?曲です
制服 絶対に 欲しいです m(_ _)m